How to avoid fraud in real estate

Only in 2019, $221 million* were lost due to wire transfer fraud linked to real estate; this can be avoided with the following tips:

  • Work with a licensed Realtor; we have to pass a test, pass a background check and even leave our fingerprints so they can be checked by the FBI. We are licensed to protect consumer and we have to follow a strict code of ethics. If you have doubts regarding your Realtor license, check it in the following link
  • Work with a licensed Mortgage Loan Officer; the loan or mortgage needs to be handled also with discretion and professionalism by the MLO as they will have access to sensitive information. You can check your MLO license in the following link
  • Do the paperwork through a Title Company, they will get a title insurance for you once the paperwork is in order, the property needs to be free and clear so they can do the transfer of the title or deed
  • Never send money to the title company without confirming the wire transfer instructions in person or over the phone. If you want to know if the title you are working with is legit, check  this link

Looking to buy or sell your house, give me a call, will be happy to help you.

Clarisa Moody – Realtor 

813 446 2003

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Como evitar el fraude en bienes raíces

Solo en el 2019, se perdieron $221 millones* por fraude de transferencias relacionados a transacciones de bienes raíces; esto puede evitarse tomando las siguientes consideraciones:

  • Trabaja con un Realtor con licencia; tenemos que pasar no solo un examen para obtener la licencia, sino también un chequeo de nuestros antecedentes e incluso nuestras huellas son revisadas por el FBI. Tenemos licencia justamente para proteger a los consumidores y seguimos un estricto código de ética. Si desea chequear la licencia de un Realtor, click AQUI
  • Trabaje con un oficial de credito o MLO con licencia; el/ la MLO tiene que manejar información sensitiva y actuar con discreción y profesionalismo. Si desea chequear la licencia de un MLO, click AQUI
  • Encargue los papeleos a una compañía de título o Title Company, ellos se encargaran de que usted tenga un seguro sobre el titulo luego de que los documentos estén en orden, la propiedad tiene que estar libre de cualquier carga o problema para que el titulo o deed pueda ser transferido a su nombre.
  • Nunca envíe dinero a la compañía de títulos sin antes confirmar las instrucciones en persona o por teléfono. Si desea saber si la compañía de títulos con la que va a trabajar es legítima, click AQUI

Busca comprar o vender una propiedad? Llámeme, con gusto le ayudaré.

Clarisa Moody – Realtor con licencia en FL

813 446 2003

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A dream with a plan becomes a goal

I am glad you are here and ready to tackle the planning part of the house buying process and I am here to help you. Remember, success is when preparation and opportunity meets, no one wakes up one day, decides to buy a house and has it all figured it out by the weekend, this is not how the house buying process works, that is why it is hard to become a home owner but here are my 5 most important tips for you on the road of home ownership.

  1. Know where you stand financially, have a budget set-up, an emergency fund and savings for the down payment. If you have credit score, it needs to be preferably over 600 to qualify for a mortgage
  2. Make your research; find a good knowledgeable and trustworthy Realtor who can assist you. I will love to help you find your dream home and I can also refer you very good licensed Mortgage Loan officers in the area
  3. Have all your paperwork ready, digitalized and ready to be sent as requested (by the MLO / lender / Bank). Having a pre-approval letter is half of the battle.
  4. Define your priorities with your family or significant other regarding the budget you feel comfortable with, as well as the area of search and the must haves on the new house
  5. Make questions to your Realtor and MLO, this will clear any doubt you might have and make you feel more comfortable during the process. DO NOT give money to any Realtor or Agent with the promise that they will find you a house, our services for home buyers is FREE (the seller pays our commission), so be aware.

Contact me if you have any question related to the house buying process or any other real estate question, 813 446 2003

Clarisa Moody

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