Rent with the option to buy

If you are working on your credit score, trying to clean your credit report or simply you are trying to save more money for the down payment, the program “Rent with the option to buy” can be what you were looking for. The requirements are as follow:

  • 500+ credit score
  • $4000+ household income
  • 12 months of rent on time
  • $5000+ on savings (or gift, or 401K)

And you can apply in the following link:

Once you get the green light from Dream America, we are ready to go house hunting! You can pick the house you want within your budget and Dream America buys it for you and rent it back. The lease is for 12 months and you can buy it anytime you qualify for a mortgage (with no penalty) and 10% of your rent goes towards your down payment. It is a win – win.

Let me know if you have any questions about the program, will be happy to assist you.

Clarisa Moody – 813 446 2003

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