Real Estate investing in Central Florida

Did you know that you can buy a property in the United States without being a citizen or permanent resident? You just need a valid passport and a Visa. Did you also know that you can actually get a loan from an American mortgage company to buy real estate in the US?

Investing in real estate in Central Florida is highly profitable as regular rent prices are going up and short term rentals are very popular in the area (such as Airbnb and Vrbo).

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity and buy an investment property that will be completely yours (no timeshare), so you can enjoy of the theme parks, the world ranked beaches, natural preserves, springs and parks, as well as a very dynamic night life. I will assist you with the purchase, I can recommend you a licensed Mortgage Loan Officer to assist you with the loan (if needed) and also put you in contact with a company that will take care of the reservations for you in order to maximize your return on your investment.

Give me a call, will be happy to assist you, 813 446 2003

Clarisa Moody

If you like this blog entry, make sure to subscribe to my Newsletter and you will receive interesting information about Real Estate, finances and home management.

Debt to Income Ratio

The DTI is the Debt To Income ratio, is used by lenders to establish your ability to repay the loan. Remember, your credit worthiness is based on your credit score and both go hand to hand when you are trying to qualify for a mortgage.

Your income is confirmed with your paystubs and tax return, while your debt is confirmed through your credit report. The ideal DTI to qualify for a mortgage is 50% or less (there are exceptions but let’s keep it safe).

Examples of 2 loan applicants, they both make the same amount per month, but they handle their finances different. The first one possibly won’t qualify for a $1,200 mortgage while the second one will do for $1,500 easily (House priced at $250,000 – $280,000).

Make sure you have your debt under control and make your house buying goal a priority. Remember, sometimes –“ We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like” Dave Ramsey

Are you ready to buy your dream home? Give me a call, I will be happy to guide you.

Clarisa Moody

If you like this blog entry, make sure to subscribe to my Newsletter and you will receive interesting information about Real Estate, finances and home management.

Relación deuda – ingresos (DTI)

El ratio de deuda vs ingreso (DTI), es utilizado por el banco o la compañía de hipoteca (mortgage) para establecer su habilidad de repago. Recuerde, su solvencia crediticia es establecida por su puntaje de credito, y va de la mano con el DTI al momento de establecer si calificaría para una hipoteca.

Sus ingresos son confirmados con sus boletas o nóminas de pago (paystubs), mientas que su deuda es confirmada a través de su reporte de credito.  El DTI ideal para calificar a una hipoteca es de 50% o menos (Pueden haber excepciones, pero mantengámoslo en un porcentaje seguro).

Ejemplo de 2 aplicantes / compradores; ambos tienen un ingreso mensual de $4,000 pero manejan sus finanzas de manera diferente. El primero posiblemente no califique a una hipoteca de $1,200 mientras que el segundo podría calificar a una hipoteca de $1,500 o quizás un poco más (Casa con un valor de $250,000 a $280,000).

Asegúrese de mantener sus deudas bajo control y hacer su meta de comprar una casa su prioridad y recuerde que a veces “Compramos cosas que no necesitamos con dinero que no tenemos para impresionar a gente que no nos cae bien” – Dave Ramsey

 Esta listo para comprar su casa? Llámeme, con gusto le ayudare.

Clarisa Moody

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