Check your credit report

Congratulations! You are taking the first step to get know your credit report status and work on the future acquisition of your house.

I know you think you know your credit score because you have an app on your phone that updates it or your bank send you a monthly update on it, usually that score (just the number) is an indicator of your credit score but it’s not the definitive score Mortgage Loan Officers use to evaluate your credit worthiness when you apply for a mortgage.  

There is a website, authorized by the federal government to provide users with the ability to request their credit report once every 12 months for FREE,

While the application to a mortgage takes more than just your credit score, it is important to know that your credit score has a direct impact in your interest rate, the better your credit score, the best your interest rate.

If you have any question, call me, I will be happy to assist you on the purchase of your home.

Clarisa Moody

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